At Online Market Domination, we know figuring out the right marketing strategy for your business can be complex. That’s why we take pride in putting together resources to enable you to put your business in the best possible position to bring in new clients and returning customers with your marketing strategy.

In this article, Online Market Domination looks at how to use local search marketing to your advantage.

How to Use Local Search Marketing to Your Advantage

Update Your Website

The importance of websites for local businesses is clear. Search results, online reviews, or display ads contain limited information and often link back to your website, where more detailed information is available. For those businesses that do have a website but fail to maintain it or let it remain static may be just as bad as not having one. Outdated or inaccurate information frustrates consumers and risks losing valuable customers to another company.

Ask Customers to Provide Positive Reviews

While some businesses shy away from online reviews because of the fear that complainers are more vocal and likely to leave reviews, studies have found that 80% of customers posted reviews as the result of a positive experience with a business. Therefore, local businesses are missing a huge opportunity for positive exposure, content, and reviews, all of which impact SEO and ranking for your local business. Do searches on your own business to find which sites with reviews pull up.

Highlight What Consumers Value About Local Businesses

Consumers value local businesses for quality. They overwhelmingly choose local businesses over national chains for providing personalized service, delivering quality work, treating customers fairly, and being reliable in delivering a product or service as promised. Each of these business traits represents a competitive advantage local businesses have over those with larger, more recognizable brand names. One way to highlight these traits is to include language in search results that communicates them.

Online Market Domination Is Here to Help

Call the experienced professionals at Online Market Domination to get started on your marketing strategy today. You can reach us at  847-238-2768.


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Be bold, Be visionary, Be entrepreneurial-minded, Be a risk-taker! Leap into the future!

 Carpe Diem!