Facebook rolled out the Facebook Timeline pages for businesses at the end of February, 2012. Facebook likes to refer to this new page as “Mission Control for your Business Facebook Page”.  It’s the core page to interact with new and potential clients and customers and includes a host of features never included on Facebook before this latest update.

New to Facebook Business Pages is the large cover Photo

One major change is the addition of a cover photo to the Timeline Page. This image can be used to highlight anything you like about your business and will be the first noticeable thing that visitors to your page will see. While the profile picture is still published, as before, it is smaller and featured in the bottom left hand corner of the cover photo.

Underneath the images is a bar that features views and apps and a link to your “About Us” page. To the left is the link that allows people to click through to your “About Us” page. To the right on this bar, you can choose which apps show up, such as a map of your location, product pages or any other pages that are included in your Facebook business page. Beneath the views and apps bar, to the left, is a composer bar that you can upload photos, post comments or upload videos that will show up on that page, and on follower’s news feeds. The left hand side also includes pinned posts, allowing you to highlight what you or others post on your wall. This highlighted post will show up on top for about seven days at the top of your page.

To the right, underneath the views and apps bar, is a friend activity box that shows a particular number of profiles that follow your Facebook business page. Below that are other posts you have made. If you have a Pinterest account linked, that will show up there and other activity from your wall will also show up in this area. The Timeline page gives you options of making posts larger or smaller, you can star posts to further highlight them and create milestones.

The great part about the Timeline page is you can create a story of the history of your business.

The great part about the Timeline page is you can create a story of the history of your business. You can choose which posts show up on this Timeline page and which posts will only show up in your news feeds. The Timeline has options of going all the way back to 1800, so including a rich history of your business is possible back to that point.

For businesses, the Timeline Page is like a quick view of your products, services, branding and company culture. Adding visually rich images will captivate visitor’s attention and encourage them to “Like” your Facebook page so you can further engage with them.

The new Admin Panel that is included with the Facebook Timeline page for businesses will appear at the top of the page, but only admins will see this area. This allows for easier management of the page including notifications of activity that allow for quick responses. Insights can be reviewed at a glance to see page performance information for marketing and analytics purposes. Messages also show up in the Admin Panel so they can be responded to easily and conveniently.

There are other management tools included in the Facebook Timeline pages for business that allow you to manage the content and marketing for the page. An activity log management tool allows you to view all activity, even hidden posts. This allows you to arrange them according to how you want them to appear on your Timeline. You are able to change the date of the posts, star, hide, or delete posts, and filter by type of posts.

While there is a bit more of a learning curve to using Facebook Timeline Pages for your business, the opportunities are much larger to effectively market to and track customers and potential new customers. You can use your Facebook Timeline Page for a variety of business and marketing operations including lead generation and customer service. Overall, your business will become more successful as it gets more acclimated to the new Timeline page and how to utilize it to its full potential.


Remember, There are bold choices and there are easy choices. Make bold choices!

We are not for those who shrink from leading. Lead the Pack!

We stand for those in the front of the line — the bold, the visionary, the entrepreneurs and risk-takersThose who surprise the world by taking a leap into the future."

Be bold, Be visionary, Be entrepreneurial-minded, Be a risk-taker! Leap into the future!

 Carpe Diem!