A study was recently conducted by the University of California in Berkeley and  published in The Economic Journal.

University of California in Berkeley Study Published

So let’s talk about reputation marketing a little bit – this is just one of the amazing stats that is showing an increased return on investment that companies get when investing in reputation marketing strategy.

You can see here that with this study done by the University of California in Berkeley, they looked at 328 different business. They found that if you increase the rating by slightly half a star you can actually increase business by 19%. Reputation marketing is proven to increase business by 19% with just half star rating online.  Now, that’s powerful.

Now let me ask you this. On a monthly basis, if your business increase 19%, would that be pretty significant for you?

Well, it would be for most companies. Imagine if you crushed your competition with dozens of 5 star reviews?  This is why reputation is literally exploding this year for business and why it’s worth taking a serious look at this.

As Always, if you have any questions, comments or observations, please feel fre to leave them below.  Or If you’d like to have a conversation, please call us at 847-238-2768.

Seeing you at the top crushing the competition!

All the very best –


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