By now you should be getting an idea of how successful a well put together business Facebook Timeline page can be for your business efforts. More businesses than ever are considering their Facebook Timeline pages to be a second home page for their marketing, sales and lead generating presence on the internet with remarkable results. There is no reason you cannot set up your business Facebook Timeline page to do the same for your business.

Getting increased traffic to your business Facebook Timeline page requires a collection of elements including how captivating the images and content are, what value your Timeline page adds to Followers to want to pursue, and other best practices. Your own website can be dramatically affected by how well the business Facebook Timeline page does. One crucial element for all this success and business building is optimizing your business Facebook Timeline for the search engines. Facebook is also working on additional search engine optimization techniques. When you combine efforts of your own business to optimize your business Facebook Timeline page for Google, Bing, Yahoo Search and other major search engines, you will capitalize on a critical way of being found by those who are searching for you businesses products and services.

As mentioned before, the name you give your business Facebook Timeline page is important in order to appeal to Followers and for search engine optimization efforts. You want a name that clearly describes your products and services and contains your business name. You want to make sure it does not sound overly spammy or that you are blatantly advertising. Choose this name carefully and do not change it, because if you change it in the middle of the game, you will lose the entire search engine optimization efforts you had made up to that point. The search engines may also penalize you for changing the name, so it is best to put the forethought into it and then keep it as your first choice for the duration.

Using a clear definition and your business name for your Facebook page is important because if your page name is too generic, it risks being disabled for updates by Facebook. For example, if you are a car washing service, “Car Wash” would be too generic. If your business is a car washing service, and its name is “Sudzees”, Sudzees” would not clearly define what your business is about. If you combine the business name with the description, you could have a clear winner. Naming your business Facebook Timeline page “Sudzees Car Wash” would be an ideal choice. Combining them in this way will give them the unique name Facebook requires, and will also allow potential customers to know what you offer, as well as offering an important keyword about your business for search engine optimization efforts.

You do have the opportunity to choose a URL for your business Facebook Timeline page than is different than the name that shows up as your Facebook name. Reasons you may want a different name would be if someone already has your business name and you have to adjust it to be unique. An example would be if “CarSudzs Doggy Spa” had the name “CarSudz” for their URL. You could choose “CarSudz Car Wash”, “CarSudz Chicago” or something along those lines to have a unique URL that will also allow for people searching for car washes, or for your business in Chicago (Assuming your business is in Chicago) to find you easily. It will also aid in search engine optimization.

The “Basic Information” area in your business Facebook Timeline page account is important to fill out thoroughly and use keywords where possible. Choose the most closely matched category from the dropdown box of business categories and add everything that is possible to include in ways that will allow you to use additional keywords to explain your business. Make sure to fill in every blank.

The “About” area that gives you space to talk about your business is a crucial part of search engine optimization for your business Facebook Timeline page. Use keyword rich content in this area. Make sure it still reads well and is compelling for customers and potential customers to learn more about your products and services also. Normally, the best keywords for this area will be the same keywords and keyword phrases that you use at your own website. While you want to use the same keywords, you want to have unique content, so avoid copy and pasting your “About Us” from your own website in order to avoid posting duplicate content. This “About” box only allows you to use 250 characters so planning on how to work the keywords, in while comprehensively highlighting the information you hope to portray to the public, is important to become strategic about.
Make sure and include backlinks to your business’s website as often as possible in your business Facebook Timeline page content posts without going overboard or looking as if you are being overly-promotional. Ways you can do this is by posting links to blog articles, videos or other informational or entertaining content at your own website, or when you are adding milestones or history posts for your business. This will create additional weight for both your business Facebook Timeline page and your business website.

Make sure that these are relevant links to the post topic. An example would be if you are a landscaping business and post a picture of a new design for raised flower beds, you could link to an article to your website that talk about how to make raised flower beds with railroad ties or bricks. Also make sure that you do not post too many links all at one time or you could get penalized by the search engines. Posting them with relevant daily posts should be enough. If you have a collection of content you want to post that all includes backlinks, only upload a couple a day to avoid being penalized in the search engines.

Adding backlinks to your website at your business Facebook Timeline page does not have to be only done through posts on your wall or in the basic information area. If you have a discussion board you may find the opportunity to add links that point back to your site. Getting creative will help you discover other ways to add backlinks from your business Facebook Timeline page to your website.

When you are working on links, remember to put links on your website that point back to your business Facebook Timeline page. Along with Facebook “Like” buttons on your website’s pages, you can also add direct links to your Facebook page on your “Contact Us” page and other relevant pages, or in articles. This will give additional weight to both your business Facebook Timeline Page and business website.

The more Facebook followers you have for your business Facebook Timeline page the more intra-Facebook inbound links you will have pointing back to your Timeline page. Being able to help with search engine optimization is an important reason to pursue getting people to become followers of your page. It also makes your page visible to their friends to help get more people to your page. You can also include your business name in images and videos you upload by saving the files with your business name in them. These are not backlinks, but do carry relevancy with the search engines. When these videos or images are “Shared” and show up in Followers news feeds, it will further increase search engine weight.

When your business Facebook Timeline page is optimized for the search engines, you will notice more activity at both your Timeline page and your business website. Using the “About” box, Basic Information and posting content to your business Facebook Timeline page that uses keywords and keyword phrases will be time and effort well spent. These efforts will cut down on the amount of advertising that your business will need to do to keep exposure high for your products and services.


Remember, There are bold choices and there are easy choices. Make bold choices!

We are not for those who shrink from leading. Lead the Pack!

We stand for those in the front of the line — the bold, the visionary, the entrepreneurs and risk-takersThose who surprise the world by taking a leap into the future."

Be bold, Be visionary, Be entrepreneurial-minded, Be a risk-taker! Leap into the future!

 Carpe Diem!